Jan 24, 2010 05:37
...of why "going green" and capitalism just don't mix. And boy, does it make me fucking *furious* right now...
I have a pair of headphones with a mike attachment, for gaming, and for ensuring I don't annoy the rest of the flats nearby with my music. I've had them for all of a month, maybe two. And already, *already*, there is a loose connection in the left speaker. No sound in half the speakers means no stereo music, no knowing where Tanks are coming from by sound, and generally a pissy experience. Now these are, in the current society, my choices:
1) Buy new headphones, when the price may have gone up, or down... but mostly up.
2) Pay for headphone repair, which is expensive, not because solder is, or electricity is, but because it's "the labour, not the parts"
3) Pay for a pencil soldering iron, solder, a wire stripper, and sandpaper, and do the fucking job myself, not knowing whether I'm going to fuck it up completely and thus have to resort to steps 1 or 2.
You may notice I didn't mention "warranty." Oh, you mean the warranty where I have to have the original container and a receipt, maybe? and the original container is a piece of easily recycled plastic, and the receipt likewise, but paper? and the same warranty they don't generally give headphones?
So yes, going green and capitalism... don't mix. Not at fucking all. And so I leave this entry with just one last rant: