
Sep 07, 2013 18:54

First Off, for those not in the know (and my best friend of 17 years, slabgar and others here can back me up) although I look hard-core Dark Wave, and in part I am, I am also a Beatles loving, Pink Floyd daydreaming, Anti-Gun, Anti-War Peacenic/Hippie...

1)I have protested in about 25 different marches or sit-ins in four states for my fave 5 causes.
2)On my 14 birthday, someone gave my fifty dollars. I went out and bout 50 carnations (a dollar each) and went home and with the help of my best friend wrote things like "You are Loved", "Love your neighbor", "Give Peace a Chance", "All we need is love", "Put yourself in the other guys shoes", and "You are a beautiful, one of a kind being" on little tags and wrapped and attached each one like a fortune cookie to each beautiful, different colored flower, went to the mall (Like I said, I had JUST TURNED 14) and gave one to every sad looking person I saw. THAT was my gift to myself. And yes, I had flowers in my braids and wore tie-dyed something.
3)Months later I was thrown off my Junior High School Campus for wearing a shirt I made that I had painted "Wear a Condom!!" on (it was the early 90s and I already had been to AIDS funerals) and I had in my huge purse about 200 that they gladly gave me at the health dept when I told them my plans of giving them to sexually active teens.
4)At 15, I handcuffed/chained myself to a turnstyle and Disney World to protest AGAINST the Baptists that were protesting against Gay Day.
5) If I told you all I have done for animal rights, we'd be here all day, but I am proudest of boycotting the circus due to their treatment of animals (we had sneaked in and had video) and gave 10 percent off flyers to Cirque du soleil tickets who were playing two blocks away. They were newish then and not many people understood what a cruelty free, animal free circus was but we got nearly 1000 families to turn around at the gates of the Ringling Bros, Barnum and Bailey circus to see acrobatics back when 90 percent had never heard of it. The circus left my hometown a week early due to low numbers.
6)I had women THROW things at me while going into a clinic to get a legal and sane termination after I had been assaulted
7)Anti-Bush, Anti war, anti-gun, pro-choice, pro gay rights, you would think I would be grabbing my walking stick and making a 'hands off Syria' sign and getting my arse 35 minutes down to the capitol, eh????

If Bush (either of them) were still in office, we would ALREADY be counting American loses. Our president did a wise and unheard of thing, asking congress for opinions.

As for CANNOT use chemical weapons PERIOD....especially on your OWN PEOPLE. If we let that go, then what's next.

"Why should we bother with's not our problem.."

My answer to that is why did we storm the beach at Normandy? Japan attacked us, not Germany...Why did we liberate the Jews, German, Poles, French, all of them?!? Because it was the RIGHT THING TO DO and you CANNOT play with your toy....oh, I am country and it's people that way.

BEFORE we are Americans, we are HUMAN. And chemical weapons have been outlawed by 98 percent of this planets population. You CANNOT BREAK an INTERNATIONAL RULE and not have someone stick your fucking nose in the corner. President Obama didn't HAVE to consult us...he didn't HAVE to call congress into session for opinions. Yet he DID because this is a Democracy. And we have -usually- done the right thing.

The world is watching, some countries like an ornery child, wondering what 'America is gonna do, huh!?'. If we do NOTHING the next spoiled brat country will kill 10,000. Then what do we do. What about 100,000? A Million? EXACTLY how man people...including HUNDREDS of children must be beaten my their 'father and protector' (their King/President/Dictator/Prime Minister etc) before we come to their rescue.

Syria IS our problem because chemical weapons are BANNED INTERNATIONALLY and if we do NOTHING as the world watch, who, when, and how many next time.

I ABHOR violence. And EVERYTHING I have seen and read says the president does too...but when Roosevelt did the EXACT SAME THING, he was our hero!! Our Guiding Light. Churchill kept G.B. together. We HAD to come to their aid because we would want someone to aid us if the shoe was on the other foot.

Normally I put this sort of post in my political journal...but this is personal to me. At first, i wasn't going to allow comments. But I suppose I will...LIMITED. This ain't a Democracy either and I am NOT in the mood for a debate. If you agree, great, comment and I will add it. If your a tosser and argue, and decide MY JOURNAL is the place to forewarned, I will just delete it.


I think I was 15.. My friends called this my 'in between phase' where I was half Hippie, Half Darkwaver, flowers and love beads, fishnets and docs. Beatles and Joy Division.... Floyd and The Cure.

I was an Idealist....but beginning to see that I was VERY alone in this field of thinking...and that made me...well... darken. ;) And yes, that is a mood ring and yes, I am a natural blonde that grew it as long as I know.. "Hair Peace!!!!"

john, politics, rant, introspection, the future, decisions, blast from the past, anxiety, zombie apocalypse

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