The NHS in Wales is irrecoverably BROKEN! ...and they only rebooted earlier in year >_<
- Oct 18th - I saw a local neurologist on the Trust's insistance and had the doctor concur the Trust/HCW were being filibustering fuckwits.
- Dec 7th - Psych surprised me by showing me a letter from the trust dated 15th Oct saying they had authorised the funding. ... >_>
- Psych said it was for the surgery to now arrange an assessment date at the clinic.
- Dec 8th - GP's surgery (locum GP) had no idea what was going on, except they had received the letter ...and then apparently done fuck all. Apparently only Dr A could deal with it. {Why?}
- But they promised to either confirm the appointment had been scheduled or do so, and to call me back with news of this.
- Dec 9th - Sleep Clinic hadn't heard from anyone since June.
- 15th - Chased up surgery. Dr A claimed it was the Trust's responsiblity to sort the assessment date "as they funded it". Specifically, the Director of Planning.
- Today (16th) - Trust claim it's surgery's responsibility.
- And additionally, that the surgery should have informed me of the funding ok-ing, and that they have done plenty to cue the surgery in to procedures including providing a "web portal" of referral and funding info for clinicians.
- Yet, the trust woman insisted she would only talk to Dr A about this, no one else at the surgery, and that they had no powers to bitchslap the surgery out of it's wasteful 'getting a £100,000pa GP to pass some details to a clinic when a fucking work experience student could do it'!.
Yet more incomprehensable multi-dimensional hyper-confusion. >_>
Apparently the person in charge of surgery scheduling at Singleton (...or something like that) {Julie Jones, ext.5413} presumed I had already been issued a date, given the time since funding had been belatedly agreed (mid-Sept. = +12 wks). Of course, their role is indefinable and they have no clue as to what the fuck is going on (JOY!), and they were surprised things had dragged on without a scheduling this long without an internal warning getting flagged up to them. But they said they would look into it.
Looks like I need to file another complaint.
Communication Hell:
Psych forgot everything about this ....and the psychology assessment ....and that he was supposed to be acting on it's action conclusions (that 2-in-2 tests had flagged up red for Austistic Spectrum). he's going to get the boss of the psychologist (koz the psychol left) to give him a clue. >_<
At this rate it's feeling like if I could afford it I'd be in a position to keep a solicitor on retainer.