Somewhat traditional New Years post

Jan 03, 2014 16:27

List time again. I changed things up a bit this year ~ I changed the 'knitting projects' to 'general projects' purely so that I could include my dread wigs. I also decided to keep track of how many word's I'd written as well as fic's completed. I'm also debating making a note of epic length fic's I read too, pretty sure I spend at least 2 months just reading fanfics :P

Books read - 27 (8 graphic novels)
Art - 10
Stories written - 2
Projects finished - 5
Words - 13,709 (next to nothing compared to some but kinda good for me :P)

Books read - 49 (31 novels/non-comics)
Art - 7 (not inc Dr Sketchy's)
Stories written - 5
Knitting projects - 2

Books read - 58 (40 novels/non-comic books)
Art - 12 (not inc Dr Sketchys)
Stories written - 1
Knitting/crocheting projects - 6

Books read - 27 (19 novels)
Art drawn - 1 (seriously I'm gunna give this up)
Stories written - 3 (completed, though one is a 127k first draft + 50k on Nanowrimo)
Knitting projects finished - 14

Books read - 42 (26 novels)
Art drawn - 2 (Why do I even bother with this catrgory??)
Stories written - 14 (Completed + over 50k on my NaNoWriMo fic)

Books read - 44 (21 novels)
Art drawn - 2
Stories written - 13 (completed)

Books Read - 77 (11 novels)
Art Drawn - 12
Stories Written - 6 (completed)


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