2013 LJ meme and a RL update

Jan 03, 2014 14:01

Well hello there 2014! let's start with a 2013 meme...one which highlights my dire need to get back on here more often ^^

2013 LJ meme (nabbed from thilia)

Open the calendar of your livejournal and post the first sentence of the first post of each month. That is your year in review.

January: It's time for my pointless lists post again
February: Wow it's been awhile since I updated this thing ~ this time I shall blame, well me.
March: I've just had a week off work and actually managed to get a few things done
April: Birthday Wiki meme
May: We've actually had a sunny bank holiday and I still haven't left the flat
June: Harry Potter playlist meme
July: N/A
August:  Wow has it really been that long since I last updated....whoops!
September: N/A
October: N/A
November: N/A
December: Wow, so I've really been MIA recently (like 4 months of recently)So yeah, can't say I was LJ productive last year (10 post in the whole year, 10! bit shocked really) I think the issue is me, and my thinking that nothing I do is post worthy. I have been trying to keep up with everyone's LJ and commenting where I can so it's not soooo bad...hopefully ^_^

The end of last year got a bit stressful ~ I got a new job and it knocked me back more than I'd though it would. I still work for the NHS but it's a (slightly) better band and a whole heap of new experience so yeah. I started mid December but had the interview in the October, got told I was a runner up and then got told I'd got it ~ bit of an emotional roller coaster really, added to the fact that I was leaving a job I'd been doing for 5yrs 5 mths so it was kinda scary too!

Anyway ~ I'm hoping to be 'better at LJ' this year (read have more confidence) which considering I've got 10 posts to beat can't be too tricky eh? :P

Hope everyone's having a great 2014 so far!

rl, meme

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