Letters of Kindness

Apr 25, 2006 18:17

This is how it works: Comment on this entry and get a letter. Write ten words beginning with that letter, including an explanation what the word means to you and why. jesshartley assigned me the letter J.

John Jacob Jingleheimer Smith - The most original character I have ever had in the Vampire:The Masquerade Game. I took a simple child's rhyme, and made it into one of the longest-lasting secondary characters around. He was supposed to die from his insanity on that first night. He survived for the length of the chronicle....Malkavian with three seperate personalities and powers...

Jade: one of my most favorite stones, something that my mother has apparently collected for years, and that my girlfriend loves...and my mother likes my girlfriend, so after meeting her, she came to me and mentioned that [providing we stay together] I might have found the right one...and I might be able to receive the jade as a wedding present...

Japanophilia: Anime - Drugs would be cheaper. I have always had the deepest respect for the Samauri code, for the Japanese lifestyle, and the way of life of this ancient culture. Hence the remarkable admiration I have for the country.

Jess: Besides being the name of one of my oldest friends, it also refers to the time I spent receiving my apprentice falconer's license, and where my love of the birds of prey came from.

Justiciar: Ever gone toe-to-toe with a Justicar? I had the absolute pleasure of having a Justicar come up to the room in a rpg [5th Generation Methusalah], and denying him entrance because he didn't have the proper invitation. The look and horror on his face when he couldn't break my Majesty, let alone the fact that he got six retests that I couldn't surpass as I stand there admitting guests was unheard of. And then the fact that he [the Brujah Justicar/Assamite] wasn't able to get in because of some Toreador guarding the door made him so enraged....he decided to kill some people in front of me in order to make me run away in fear....too bad it didn't work..

Juxtaposition: Piers Anthony's marvelous Blue Adept series that I shall forever treasure. It is one of my favorite books, and always shall be.

Jigsaw: I've always been a fan of puzzles..the more complicated, the better I get into them. I'm just extraordinarily happy when I'm doing a jigsaw puzzle. it's not a competition, it's fun.

Jest: My sense of humor, cleverly defined, and widely thought with much horror. never be around me when I'm making a pun, you'll live to regret it.

Just: I've always been told that my sense of right and wrong are better left in the hands of an old-fashioned knight from the 15th century. I have this sense of Justice and Chivalry that is clearly outdated, and yet completely something that makes me who I am.

James: Captain James T. Kirk. Nuff said.
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