St-Valentin2008 006 Mise en ligne par
Darksunmoon Happy Valentine's Day, minna! :D
From me and my date, Nicolas the bear (I have too many Nicks in my life right now: my bear, my son, my friend, my workmate...)
I'm having one of those crazy weeks again. I spent all weekend in St-Hyacinthe, then Monday, I worked. Racket club didn't call, didn't have all that many customers, bossman was down and the next day, he had to put Jing, our charmingly cute chinese cleaning lady on obligatory one week vacation because of the drop in customer's attendance, hoping that in a week from now, he'll be able to pay her again or that she will get a positive reply to her admission request in accounting classes. I will miss her terribly if she goes.
It was funny, last week, I was making the mix for Coffee and almonds muffins (café et amandes, in French) and she asked me if it was "café et ALLEMANDES" to which I laughed because well, "Allemandes" is German Females...Try and fit them into a muffin mix, for fun! LOL
I sent in a couple resumes on the net this weekend. Yesterday, Jo told me "I have a bad and a good news for you"...
"Good news is you got a call for an interview and wrote down the number in a Notepad document. Bad news is that the computer froze and I lost it before I could save it."
He said the called was someone Bouchard from Empire something. Turns out the guy wrote me an email saying to call him too. Which I haven't done yet because I'm torn. I didn't expect to get resquests for interviews so soon. I need to make more money, I need a stable income for when the stupid government decides to pull a trick on me like they've been doing this month, they didn't send me my child care allowances and all. I need those to pay my rent, the daycare lady and my bus pass. I'm going insane over this... Orazio is such a good, caring boss, I feel cheap looking elsewhere.
Yesterday, Simon~chan came over and we made spaghetti sauce and dyed his hair black. I like to keep him company, dunno why, it feels a bit awkward at first, but I end up missing him like I miss my kid when he goes. I like his innocence, it's refreshing. He told me that finally, Guillaume and Chibi_Hoshi ARE NOW OFFICIALLY a couple, so I congratulated them at L2 today and when I met him(her?) on the way, Alex was a bit pissed at the whole deal because thought that because (s)he had corrected me last week is why they were now together, just for spite! LOL and I was like "the cartomancer-loli strikes again!" I can indeed foretell some events, but this one was totally fortuitous.
this morning, I was supposed to call back the government, the student loans office, get my health insurance card done, call back the job interview dude and send back the ADSL modem to Bell. I only got the later done because I woke up early, but since I had no watch or clock nearby and I was supposed to be on a day off, I took my time, and rolled over in bed, watching Simon sleep and stuff. We ended up getting up and eating breakfast at almost lunch time, then he took a shower and we left. In the bus, he noticed that he had forgotten his eye lenses case a my place, so I promised to pick it up and give him at L2's tonite. Then we took the orange line and he dropped me at Place D'Armes and he continued until the next to last station to attend his French class. I went to the postal office, bought a bubble envelope, put the modem in, got the postage paid and the return proof stamped and all.
I decided to drop by the café tpo see how Sara and all were coping along. I arrived just in time to eat some bay cake, as Sara was turning 20 and Nico turned 30 this week. we surprised them and I was even more surprised that I started wrapping the cookies benevolently and the boss insisted that I stayed, did the cleaning for the close and that he was going to pay me, saying "If this ship is sinking, we'll all be sinking in it together!". The day had seen almost record number of sales, so the boss joked that he would now pay me to stay home and come just do the cleaning from now on! LOL The Racket Club had called before I got there and they never order on wednesdays. Well, it usually is a slow day, wednesday, but not the past two ones, they've been busier, it's weird... Well, now you know why I feel cheap about getting an interview somewhere...
The bosslady told me that one of my galpals came over for me, and I thought that she was going to remember that I told her to pick me up at my job because my cellphone was dead and all. But Kao
~chan's mind was so diverted by the job interview she'd landed herself at Vidéotron's that she'd completely forgotten and by 3pm, she went back home after unsuccessfully trying to reach my disconnected cellphone. I did the cleaning at my job, left, look around the place, no Kao, went back home to pick Simon's eyelenses case, logged on to try and see if Kao had replied, she logged in, angry that I was not at my job when she had passed and that I was unreachable. So she'll try to come by next week. Never twice without a third time, they say... I hope she'll make it next week because my hair is really overdue for that dye...
But as for the job: what to do, what to do??? I need to get a paycheck that allows me to pay off my debts and not just the interests on them and my rent. I need to be a responsible adult even if it means getting a job I'll hate to insure that my son will be able to have an economically stable future so he can concentrate on whatever studies he'll be willing to make.