Happy birthday day to you, Mmystery~chan & Chibi Hoshi hime!

Feb 06, 2008 06:42

Plans for today:
9 to 17h30 : work
18h - 21h : go celebrate Mmystery's 22nd birthday with her at L2 since I can't attend her bash on saturday :( [on weekends, I'm outta town with my family]. Since I woke up at like 3am, I did my hair and I will do my make up when I get to L2. I hope I put in enough spray-gel and all. I'll try to take pictures. Also, it's Chibi~chan's 16th bday. My, how she's grown!

SirKao, Pastlink, and Sojiro_chan I forgot to hand you your copy I will deliver your Kimi wa Petto DVDs when I see you. Kao, I will also have the 3 first Nodame DVDs. I dunno where I put the 4th one so I haven't copied it yet. Might be lost somewhere with Jo's dvds in the living room. I'll try to bring your other DVD that had slipped in between mines last time I went to your place also. Send me an email to tell me when you can come dye my hair on a weeknight. On the next 2 weekends, I'm in St-Hyacinthe and Tomorrow, Prisci's supposed to come over and hang.

oh! and before I forget: Happy Chinese New Year!!!

plans, miscellaneous, schedule

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