Am I always negative?

Oct 31, 2006 03:54

Well here's an update...

I feel I have been cheated from a great marching season. Why?

I don't feel many see what I and many other seniors saw our freshmen year; felt what we felt. Why?

Was it something I did? Is it just my mind that thinks this? Does no one see the frustration? Did no one see how important it was to me atleast? the question is, did anyone care? (I can't and won't speak for the other seniors, i can only speak for myself.)

I explained it to one person, and he eventually understand...and if he didn' thanx.

Senior supper was suppost to feel joyful, but it only made me cry. No, not because I know I am leaving, only because I felt I was not appreciated. Many just don't understand how I never get that feeling, its rare to me. Just thought I'd mention.

to be continued.......
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