Feb 27, 2009 22:12
I think a lot, apparently. I didn't really think that I did, and I am known for avoiding thinking about things too deeply. But lately, I've found myself evaluating a lot of things. I think about why I feel certain things. I weigh it all up in my head. I'm constantly thinking. Sure, this may seem odd to get excited about, but to me, it's a nice feeling. I guess, in a way, I've rediscovered my passion. I know that I'm fairly intense compared to some people, but I think that's one of my virtues, if you know how to handle it.
I've started doing handcrafts again and David talked me into opening an Etsy store. There's nothing stocked just yet, as I'm still collecting things to start the actual making process. Well, I did start on a bow, but it's not done. I'm thinking about possibly picking up some clay and handpainting some small charms too. I know my mother used to make some really nice things. I half tossed up with the idea of doing design at Uni but I'm still not sure. I'd not want to do design in the sense of runway clothing. I'd want to learn how to design clothing that fit 'real' people, that are flattering and realistic and I'd also want to take comissions on sensible, well constructed lolita clothing.
I should also stop procastinating about my homework, but I really am finding it hard to summon up the effort to finish these things right now. I'm tired and grumpy and feeling apathetic about it all again, simply because I feel like half the things I learn aren't particularly practical and I'm tired of formulars and project plans that are absurd. But I will do it because if I don't, someone will only nag at me. :<
I also managed to slice my knuckle open when I was making dinner tonight. I am fail. =<