I do!
I want to have a Ph.D. degree because this degree gives me more flexible time schedule, and a lot of opportunities such as learn something that is deeper meaning to me.. I am considering to be a Professional teacher in general of Psychology, but I don't know what is kind of field that I want to teach in Psychology. I want to work with abnormal disorders psychology because this is more interesting to me. I want to attend an Asylum hospital and meet crazy people to work with them. Although, you might think I am crazy to do this, but I haven't receive any experiences that I might change my mind for taking this kind of field.
Wait a minute.... My daily tendency is surfing the internet through
www.yahoo.com by checking their life news. I love to read the Yahoo's Life news because they do usually give away a lot of tips that are useful... I found an interesting article about Ph.D. with this title "Who wants to be a Ph.D.?" , and my first thought was, "oh, hell yes, me me me"! In few minutes later, after I was reading this article, and my brain had frozen for only fewer ten seconds with this question, "is a Ph.D. for me"? I felt a surge of fear in me that was written over my overconfidence thoughts... I do have a bad habit is thinking a lot of "IF" (s)... I am a concrete thinker and a pessimistic with a little of optimistic. At least, for my famous is being anal by all time... Anyway, this is a fact about me.. Okay, let me see... Psychology is in the science field (generally), and part of medical things because of abnormal disorders are relating to so called "hospital" with full of lunatic people.. Ph.D. with a science field might takes about six or more years to complete the Ph.D. degree with an intense deeper research of my own field subject...
Whoa, I can't visualize myself as a serious researcher... I was a Science Magnet student at my school, but I found out that I had to do the four years of research to order to receive the Science seal and able to graduate... I got withdraw this, and transferred to a Visual side... Hmm...
Although, I can't answer my question, "is a Ph.D. for me?" now because I have no experience of intense research nor other things that are requiring to have a lot of critical thinking... Therefore, I shouldn't worry about this until I am attending the college, and establish my decision there by continuing as a graduate student or just remain as an undergraduate student...
I thought this article was an interesting to me...
I know that this entry is boring to you because of all my complication thoughts... :)
I need to unload the complication things to the lighter and happier entries. ;)