Nov 03, 2004 19:13
And as you might guess, I'm not exactly pleased with the results. Many people I know from LJ, IRC and other places have asked the expected question - why are you not pleased with the results of this election, and what are some of the reasons for feeling that way?
So, here's my rundown, in no particular order, as it would take too much thought and I'm too disgusted to expend that much energy. And for the record I didn't so much vote for Kerry as I voted AGAINST Bush.
1. the war in Iraq - i.e. the plan to secure control of oil and other resources for the corporations he and his cronies have stakes in. Anyone with a functional brain now know that that the reasons given for this fiasco were all lies. We have American citizens and soldiers over there dying for the sake of Bush's bank account. Being a veteran this nauseates me beyond words, especially with Bush military non-record. I think I'd rather have a draft-dodger as Commander-in-Chief than one that used their financial and political clout to avoid real service - and that's saying a lot from me.
2. the advancement of the eventual Theocracy - the freedom of religion this country was founded on is being ground under the jackboots of the administration of Bush and his drones. We're getting closer and closer to what Heinlein described as "The Crazy Years" to me, and I'm not liking it at all. And as for the statement of being for "Moral Principles" or whatever bullshit buzzword they used - that's a bunch of shit. Oh yes, Gays and Lesbians are dangerous enemies to the God-fearing people of this country - FUCK YOU. As Bush advances his Theocracy manifesto, more and more of our civil rights are being stolen from us. I am definitely not amused.
3. outsourcing of jobs - Some people will say the "policies" were already in place before he took office, but he has taken no fucking actions to try to prevent this trend, and in fact continues to reward companies thatdo just that. This hits me really hard, as I lost my job on Oktober 13th due to a RIF, and as more jobs get outsourced it's getting harder to find a decent job in my field. And his joke of statement to creating new jobs, and that people will have to retrain to "stay competive in the new job market" is a an insult to the highly trained people that are out of work because of his continued support of the policy of outsourcing.
4. the "Patriot Act" - this beast has grown entirely out of control, and it's really starting to scare me. enough said about that
5. other countries opinion of the USA - let's face it, America doesn't have the greatest image in a lot of the world, but Bush is doing a hella job making it even worse.
So that's a short summary of my feeling on this disaster of an election.As for my choice of music - I've got to do something to try to lift my mood, else I'll probly kill something.