Second Biopsy...

Nov 22, 2012 05:47

First off, I'd like to express my thanks to everyone who sent positive thoughts/vibes--you guys rock and all your support really helped me during the procedure! *giant, grateful hugs to all!*

The biopsy sucked. :( I rarely get upset over this kind of thing(i love to watch when im donating blood, and i am fascinated with surgery-type pics). It wasnt really even pain(the plugs were taken from my chest, an area thats never been very sensitive, so i didnt even feel the needle for the anesthetic), but more the very ~idea~ of what would be done.

Actual Info: the doc told me that the first biopsy was sent to a place in dallas, after results came back. Over the weekend, several more docs heard about my case and were intrigued, as the possible diagnosis is weird for someone my age and all. So, they requested the second biopsy and results should come by next friday. At this point, however, there are 8 specialists and a pair of NPs working on this, so i am in good hands, i think.
The docs are now trying to rule out angiosarcoma, which would likely be a very bleak diagnosis, but makes more sense than lichen sclerosus.

Will post next update when i receive new information.

Thanks again, everyone--you all are keeping me going!

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