I've been terrible about keeping up on this.

Jun 25, 2011 22:59

Day 07: Favorite Others character

Since Diao Chan is the only one in the Others category I really care for, this defaults to her. Simply because I don't care for the rest of them.

Day 08: One character you wish to kick out of the Dynasty Warriors roster

SHU'S NEWLY AQUIRED WALKING STD. Adds nothing to the story, lacks an interesting personality, must be awfully cold in that outfit. YOU ARE THE WEAKEST LINK. GOODBYE.

Day 09: One character from the Three Kingdoms story that you'd love to see in the game

Zhu Ran. Mostly because I'm not as well versed in Three Kingdoms Era China as I am in Sengoku Era Japan, so I don't have any biases towards people who did awesome things but aren't mentioned in the games. I figure anyone who enables Lu Xun's pyromanicical (this is not a word and yet it is the second time in recent memory I have used it) tenancies is ok in my book.

Day 10: Favorite weapon of choice
BIAS AGAIN. Cao Pi in DW6: Special. His moveset was absurdly fun to use. It killed everything. Everywhere. End of story.


AlSO ALSO USPS is amazing. They got a package from California to here, standard shipping, in less than 24 hours.


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