Haha, I missed a day already.

Jun 15, 2011 21:28

You all know what this is. No I haven't been dodging this question what are you talking about.

Day 04: Favorite Wu character
I... I have to pick ONE? I don't think I'm capable of making this sort of important decision. :/
..........If I have to pick, It'd have to be Zhou Yu. As I've said before, he was the first character I'd played, and, following that tradition, in every DW game since then I've picked his/Wu's story first. ....I have trouble describing WHY I like things. Zhou Yu's just... He's a strategist. He can be jealous to the point of absurdity. He only wore gloves briefly but I'm willing to overlook this issue.

Day 05: Favorite Wei character

This is much easier. Cao Pi all the way. The man is the very definition of power-hungry asshole, but with just enough subtlety that he can be a good guy when it counts. He doesn't really what happens to the world, as long as it's in one piece and he's ruling a decent chunk of it. Also, the man is damn sexy and I know some of you hate him and I don't want to hear it. *crosses arms and looks on most haughtily* ;P

In other news, this game needs to exist now.

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i still love you all though, meme, glove wearing strategisty types

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