I have just started playing Okami, which means, obsessive researcher that I am, that I already know the gist of the entire plot, and am now somewhat scared-yet-fascinated-(maybe?) by the idea of combining it with Vagrant Story. The initial conflict potential that pops up is not what I'm thinking of: for all that Sydney's Dark has a nasty habit of reanimating corpses, it's not portrayed as something unnatural so much as "rejected by the current prevailing religion", unlike Yomi's Darkness/Evil/Anti-Nature thing, so Sydney and Amaterasu aren't really in a conflict of ideology, just of metaphor. Mostly I'm vaguely envisioning how Amaterasu and Waka would react to Iocus's followers, and vice versa.
Which reminds me: a while ago I mused on the possibility of Detective Conan's eponymous character being a favorite of the Dark (though admittedly
not very coherently for the uninitiated), and though the idea is extremely far-fetched I still kind of like it. Now I'm thinking that Kaitou KID should be very, very glad that Ammy is not in his universe, let alone playing detective/law enforcer, because the things she could do, so very casually, and just for fun... hee. Did you know you can mess around with the birds in the sky by Power Slashing them? Also, it would be hard to carefully plan out heists when the sun goddess is an impatient wolf who can turn night into day by drawing a circle in the sky with her tail. And I should be very, very glad there is no KID in Okami, because he would probably have something to do with stray beads, and as the interloper of course his magic trumps native magic because that's how it works. Besides which, I have seen Waka (the HAT. And purple pants) and if the game can do that to
Yoshitsune, then I don't even want to think about what it'd do to KID. For all I know, they'd take "moonlight magician" and make him Lunar and therefore blond, and now I'm thinking of Hakuba and I should stop. But for all that, I think KID and Ammy would get along very well, because they're both about the white and doing the impossible. And not taking themselves too seriously.
Tonight's random f(l)ail is brought to you by
pengiesama and ATTACK WITH EXPLOSIVE FORCE. Now I have to check out Twelve Kingdoms some time.