The purpose

Aug 11, 2009 09:08

To help become closer to God and to pull others closer I'm going to use one of the things I like best. Writing, I will use i to look at certain aspects of our society and how they compare to God's word. It seems the issue with Christians (and those who claim to be) is we are living under a lower morale standard and not realizing it. As long as you think you're at the top most of us won't look up. The worlds morale standard will have you embrace homosexuality, pre-marital sex, excessive drinking, excessive partying, indecent acts and dress , questionable integrity , excessive violence and bad parenting to name a few. Don't believe me? Why is there an attack on the institution of marriage? So that a male can marry a male and a female can marry a female. What do they use to justify this, any example of an ungodly marriage and ignorance of scripture in that area. In the age we are currently in we should be able to minisiter as well as talk to anyone almost world wide. Everything placed in front of us is a tool if we allow it to be.
For those who use others as an excuse it's time to get over it. I have asked several people this [If the richest man in the world came to you and said "Live a decent clean life defined by this manual and I'll shower my riches on you for your entire life. However if you don't live this way I will take it all away."] I've yet to find ONE PERSON who would let someone else who was given the same offer mess it up for them. So why when it comes to love everlasting, eternal life, a personal relationship with our creator and riches that can't be measured in this life, we will let the most devilish person we can find keep us from getting closer to God?
For those who claim to read the bible it's time to get off of the baby's milk and onto the more solid bits. I'm always amazed how quickly anyone who embraces or supports homosexuality, or clubs drinks and parties to lewd nasty music and lets their body be taken over by evil spirits in drunkeness is ALWAYS ALWAYS quick to pull out a scripture about God's love or God being a God of love. However the moment you remind them ALL SCRIPTURES  work and go together and that thier is righteouness and judgement and chastisement in there. Suddenly you're mean and wrong. Well it's time to wake up and stop playing. IF you're God is the God of the bible you should get to know him. While he is a God of love he's a righteous and just God too. We will all be punished or chastised for our sin. Ignoring it doesn't exempt you from the word. Twisting scriptures around so you can justify what you do is not the correct way to use God's word and shows you're lack of his spirit when you fight against the truth.
So the purpose here, is to encourage others to write the truth, if you're going to post your status, STOP posting about how upset you are at someone , tired  you are or mad you are. STOP letting other people control and pull you out of God's spirit. STOP talking about your swagger and START talking about how God blessed you to bless others.  STOP bragging on things like you did them yourself, STOP letting your friends tell  you it's ok to curse and go off like you have the right. YOU DON'T have the right, and if you think you do STOP and think what if Jesus had had your mentality where you'd be sitting right now.
So now I ask all of God's spiritually adopted children to stand and help guide and save the created children while we have time left.

"Question for the day: Why does everyone seem to love God's word til they start to truly understand it? "

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