I got up a little bit ago to go to lunch, and grabbed six empty cans of Diet Mountain Dew to take to the recycling bin. Then I realized I hadn't locked my workstation, which is dangerous in an office full of geeks. Undaunted, I deftly hit Ctrl+Alt+Delete with Edward Scissorhands-like grace. I gots da leet skillz, yo.
Now that the jacket-wearing season has finally rolled around, I have an inner pocket in which to store things. This means I now have a place for my
cell phone,
10 gigs of portable storage, and most importantly, a pen and a book to write in. That way, I can sit in restaurants or on park benches and pretend to be intellectual by writing down the dumb things that I think about stuff. And if anybody gives me grief about it being, in fact, a Hello Kitty diary, hey: Hello Kitty says
sit on this. Wisdom
I bought
Wintersmith last night, and I managed not to sit down and read it right then, thus causing myself to be up until 5 AM and being unable to go to work. So there's something.
Something that is not a D&D stat
I'm going to own a house. Okay, so in spirit I've owned part of the house for five years or so, but that was never really legally true, and due to one thing and another the whole thing's being transferred into my name. Not like it'll change anything, except for giving me ULTIMATE HOMEOWNER POWER! Ahem.
Accumulation of awesomeness
In my wallet, where I had forgotten I had put it, I have the best " bed" fortune I've ever received myself: "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."
Gosh darnit, I'm cool.