
Jul 29, 2009 17:14

Today, I realized that I wouldn't like the workplace.

You see, I tok on this job that I thought was simple: Make an AVP, earn at least 700 bucks doing so. I'm more or less good at making AVP's, ever since I made my first one back in highschool. Here's the thing: my computer... isn't. For one, the internet antenna's broken, and could only be fixed tomorrow. No internet means no resources, no resources means progress is slow and sluggish. And yeah, the PC's become incredibly slow. Which adds to my frustration because a minute of AVP takes around say... an hour.

..My client wants 20 minutes, and I need to hand it over tomorrow. Now I have a headache (and the fact that Hatsune Miku's "Miku miku ni Shite aru yo" is playing over and over again in my head isn't really helping).

Today, I realized I hate my course.

Yes, I have finally succumbed to the dreadful fact that I have been denying for three whole years. My course effing sucks. I mean, it's too much trouble for all its worth (which, apparently, isn't a lot), it takes up too much time (so much so that I have almost no more time for myself to recharge my sanity), and it's too demanding. Maybe it's the LOL-I-HAS-4-LABS -THIS -SEM. Maybe it's the LOL-PHYCHEM-IS-TEH-SHIT. Maybe it's LOL-MICROBIO-WHUT... Or maybe it's LOL-THIS-IS-SPARTA. Gah. For an aspiring chemist, I really hate working in a laboratory. It's quite literally, dehydrating work. Not to mention you get to smell like chemicals the moment you step out of it. and lab periods are what--6 hours long! 6 hours a week, times 4 lab periods a week, and I get close to 24 hours of ZOMGWTFLOL every seven days. Gah!

Maybe I should take mandrake or something.


.. .


upism, ranting, wtf, biochem, rage

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