AME 8th Avenue: taking the streets of Harajuku

Nov 09, 2008 03:57

Venue: Bahay ng Alumni, University of the Philippines Diliman Campus
Went as: Sousuke Aizen (Bleach)/Shimura Shinpachi (Gintama)
Status: not as fail as I expected. Pretty decent. :3


Seeing that I've been outside the cosplay scene ever since the summer, I decided to take the golden opportunity to attend a convention during the November holidays, given enough justification that my GWA has risen from miserable to decent.

Getting to Diliman was a nightmare. Now I know why I wasn't allowed to enter that campus. One was the immense time it would take (it took me around 15 minutes just to get a train to Quezon Avenue). Then I had to navigate a maze of walkways to find a jeep. And then I had to locate the venue, HCC, and OMAKE people. The convention barely started, and I was already exhausted. So the first thing I had to do was to locate the people I'm with. Maya said they were near the entrance but I couldn't find them. So instead I bumped into Tamaki and Honey. After a while we thought we should come out back. And at the field were Maya, Fuu, and this girl whom I'm sure I don;t know (yeah. I don't know who she was). Maya was waiting for Honey for the hairpaint so he can paint his Yes, he had to paint his wig pink. After Tamaki and honey went to some place to change (and seeing that Matthew hasn't arrived to give me my kimono jacket back), I decided to change superficially into Shinpachi and lay on the ant infested grass.

After a while we went to the front where we were joined by Chika, Joyah, Rocky, and Diego; doing small talk until it rained. Haha. Ame during AME. I LOL'ed (seriously, if you don't get this joke, I'm not sure what to do with you).We decided to take shelter at the film institute where the others were practicing Mokette! Sailor fuku and Hare Hare Yukai (what convention would be complete without those, seriously).I decided to help them out with the practice, having memorized Hare Hare Yukai and a keen knowledge of Mokette. Jerome was teaching them, too. Hahaha. I managed to get myself adopted by Matthew and Audrey (which resulted in too much LOL), while making Rocky don this extremely girly wig (He still managed to look like a man, albeit he looked like a sword-wielding drug addict). After like, three spirited imitations of Mokette and Hare Hare each, I was even more exhausted (at this point I changed to Aizen mode, since Matt-toochan gave me my jacket back).

So well, after I noted that I don't have hairpaint myself, I took some bond paper and a pentel pen, scribbled alternative kanji on it and stuck it to the back of my haori to make my Aizen look work (I didn't even have a belt because I forgot to bring it along X___x). But Maya's paper tape wasn't sticking and Jerome's double-sided tape was with Diego who mysteriously disappeared. So when Tamaki came by and all were ready (I had to scribble the hole in Grimmjow's stomach, too), we went inside. The line was unbelievably long, but for con standards, there were only quite a few people (but I'm sure AME made a killing).So when we were inside, it was time to be mania. I changed into Shinpachi. I met Pasty and Via and gave Pasty her sketchpad back, and then we all fapped the loligoth drawings XD. I met Christian who went "What are you doing here?", bumped into Bea who was too busy to acknowledge, Han-senpai who was yet to change (and I never saw her again either way),D-sama, M-sama with her unglompable dress (so sad), and Frances-senpai who was not going as Yuuki (even more sad I can't believe it).

So I decided to try their AME geass-themed cafe (two Lelouch's (or was one of them a Rivalz, I can't really tell), an anya, and a pretty Milly~). It was pretty good. I liked it. Haha. But I didn;t try any of the other booths mainly because I didn't want to throw darts, get my picture taken, Date and play wire maze not to mention spend another hundred or so bucks on a prize I doubt I'll genuinely like, so I went about with Jerome (now cosplaying Byakuya and Sasuke's lovechild O_____o), and checked out the expensive figmas, the other food stalls and the DVD tycoons (I forgot what he bought but I bought a Gate Keepers DVD). This was when I got probably my only picture. Some girl asked to take my picture, and I obliged (either a, she was on a mission to photograph all the cosplayers she sees or b, she's a fan of gintama). Ahahaha. The wonders of dressing up as someone not that popular. XD

After that, I went home (and bumped into Pasty in the process of so doing), went on to the trains and straight to the hospital.

...Something tells me this is the last con for a long while.

cosplay, convention

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