Lola Continue...

May 23, 2005 23:39

Just came home from Vons and the hospital. I dont like going there in general because of all the sick people. I remember what room my grandma was in. DAMN RAUL and his medical knowlege!!! He knew what ICU meant... i think it was Intensive Care Unit...

Anywho, in the ICU there was mostly old people... it was sooo sad. Just seeing the old soo weak and vounerable its just so horrible!!!

I saw my grandma and she had tubes all over. She spoke softly and the first thing she said was that I helped her. I was really happy that she was thankful for my help. That really made my day. I couldnt stay there long because only two people were in the room and we were 3(me, mom and aunt).

I had to leave but as I left, I really wanted to cry, not only for my grandma, but for everyone there. I saw them through the windows of their rooms, and it was just oh so sad!

I feel like crying now but I cant cry, because I believe my grandma is going to get better with the help of the lord. Thank you again for all your prayers, even if some of you are not very religious, thank you for having the courtesy for praying for my grandma.

Well after wards, we went to Vons and got the soup I have been craving for weeks!!! The Bake Potato Soup and the Fajita Soup or as lida calls it Fagitas lamo!!!

Tomorrow, I wont be able to visit her because I have to go to the center to volunteer.


Ha ha ha!!! My face is all blurry, that means my shame is well hidden LAMO!!! Again, I look pregnant!!!

I look kinda dead in this one... but eh I gotta sleep early cause its like 11:37 pm right now... My eye bags show a lot!!!

I look hidious in this picture. Did you know that what i am holding is my dogs sex toy? SERIOUSLY!

Can you tell the difference between the image above and the one below?

Yep, im smiling in this one

Perhaps, my favorite one so far! I like how the mirror was freggin dirty and It made it look kinda neat! Though I look fat in this picture... I only blame moshi maru!!!

This is my xanga default icon... I kinda enhanced the eye bags... I was toying with photoshop to a point where I looked like Michel Jackson!!!! CREEPY!!
Is he guilty or not?

Lots O' Love

~~Naked Sushi(Oli)
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