It turns out that my grandma has kidney failure... and i think some internal bleeding... I feel so horrible. I knew it!!! I dont know but since earlier today I've had that feeling, the same one I had before Lolo(grandpa) died.
I dont want something as horrible as that to repeat itself-_-
Please pray for my grandma who is currently going to the hospital right now!
She barely ate, constantly used the bathroom and can barely walk!!! I had to help her walk.
It was as if i was walking a 2 year old!!! Tito Sonny had to carry her at some point to the car.
Please pray for my grandma
Oh yeah I got sick of the old layout.. So I made a new(for my xanga) one from scratch using random images and pngs. I like it. It was like i saw the image and though to myself, "this is the one!"
I also changed the playlist and got addicted to Step You by ~Ayumi hamasaki.
Oh and Mariam, I am trying to make this entry kinda short, just for you and the cd I saw of L' Arc en ciel looks like this (the one i want from little tokyo)
its sooo cool. Even my bf who only listens to scary hard core music(hey i just like punk rock and stuff nothing hardcore.. more like soft core lamo!!!)
Also I saw the CD by T. M Revolution Ignited.. i think... no wait its that US Version um whats it called... Seventh Heaven(like the tv show on channel 5!)