When all hope is lost, then it can truly be said that there is nothing left.

Jan 11, 2006 10:14

Upon waking up today I realized something... My life... Pointless... A burden... I guess more than anything... Im waiting... Waiting to die... At first I was ready for the next rush or surge of life... Now I am just waiting for the end... Waiting for lungs to stop taking in air... Waiting for my eyes to close one last time and for the last glow of life to escape my body... My life is over... There is no hope... A life worth living is full of love, good health, wealth, happiness, and satisfaction... Im no longer loved... My health is deminishing day by day... My pockets are empty and I have nothing to show for it... Im never happy and havent been for over a year... And Im disappointed with every aspect of my life... No satisfaction is found anywhere... So thus, my life isnt worth living and death is the only thing I have to look forward to... Many people talk about wanting to die... About killing themselves... Im not talking about that at all... I NEED TO DIE... I WANT TO DIE.... DEATH IS THE ONLY THING I LOOK FORWARD TO... Ive always had some kind of love for life... Now all I want is for the life I live to end... Im not going to live a medicated life... I dont want a chemical future... I dont want to burden everyone around me... Especially her... What could she ever see in me now... Nothing... Im poor... Im unhealthy... Im a waste... And her love for me would just be a waste.... Anyones love for me is a waste... They would all be much better off if tonight I didnt wake up..... I pray for it... And I know everyone else does too secretly

C/o Garry Himself
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