Oct 02, 2005 00:55
i quit subway today. LOL shortest job I ever held. I only got like 3 paychecks. hahaha oh well. Fucker deserved it. He was making me work off the clock and promising me he'd pay me, never did. He lost my paper work my first two weeks, never paid me. And to top it off has been coming in yelling at me for shit that EVERYONE is doing...but i get yelled at...and no one else does. FUCK THAT SHIT. so i just didnt go in today. tuff shit towel head. Fuck with some other fat kid lol. My brother dwayne is about to quit too...see what he does without us. fucker.
stopped by the hostess store by my moms house...they start ya out at 8.33 an hour...and they are unionized HAHA sounds easy enough.....Look out bread buyers...here i come to scan your bread for good money!! MUAHAHAH lol