Finding a home

Feb 02, 2005 15:55

(Continued from here.)

I can tell from the way Wes reacts to my idea, that he's reluctant. Which I get, but we have to do somethin', man. If I'm stayin'-like I planned- then I'll need a job of some sort. And since Angel and company kicked Wes out on his ass, he needs one too. So...why not work together. Seems pretty easy to me. But he's gotta mull it over and shit.

I snap outta my thoughts when he asks about seein' Angel, and cuz I didn't technically see or talk with Soul Boy, I'm not real sure how to answer. But, whatev. If Wes wants to know, I'll tell him. "I didn't see him," I start, "Talked to some black dude and his chic instead. Said Angel was out, so I didn't pry. They were wicked shady about you, though, and that's why I came knockin' on your door. Couldn't find Soul Boy, so I went to your place to find out what the fuck was goin' on." I take one last sip from my drink and say, "Kinda glad he ain't around right now, cuz he and I would have a serious sit down about what went down between you two. That a good enough answer for ya?"

None of that's a lie, either. If I see Ang, he's gonna have lots of explainin' to do. I mean, smotherin' Wes with a pillow? Hello, not a good idea. Seems weird to me, Angel would do that to his best friend. I get that Wes stole his kid, but fuck! No wonder Wesley's so bitter and PO'd at everyone. He has every right to be. And that's why I want us to start our own thing. Could be fun.

"We ready to split?" I ask before nosey Nora comes back. It's almost dawn, anyway. We should head mean, to Wesley's apartment. This is gonna take a lot of adjustin', yo.
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