Solving a Mistery

Feb 12, 2005 19:25

Continued from Here

I'd managed to take care of my hand without Faith loosing it again. Mostly because she was in the kitchen eating more food. I'd just finished taping up the bandage when she stormed past and into her bedroom. I mean, my guest room. Wonder what's wrong now, but since she's not yelling or ranting or raving or god forbid, crying, I'm guessing it's just one of those Faith things.

I'm to tired to care right now. It's been quite a day. First Faith showing up at my doorstep. Then the fight we had in the pub, where she actually apologized to me. Something I'd never thought I'd life to see, let alone hear. But here it was, though it wasn't at all like in my dreams. Speaking of which, it would seem Faith is haunted by dreams. No idea why, other then that they're about the night of the torture. Part of me thinks it serves her right. She should be punished for what she did.

But a larger part of me understands now. And another part has always thought I deserved what she did to me then.

But the main problem no seems to be the fact that she was released from jail, without any papers. She never asked for them, she never wondered where they were, never thought about the fact that she was going to need those. Hell no, she just walk out of there without using her brain. Stupid twit. And now here we were, both of us knowing something was very wrong, but not having one single solitary clue. Just marvelous.

Sighing, I glanced at the door she left though. I'm to tired to deal any more with her right now. I'm exhausted from today. I don't think I've been this active in...months. Not since I've had my throat slit and Angel tried to kill me. And here's another thing. I'm going to have to look forward of waking up without a hangover. That'll be a novelty. Putting the vodka back in the fridge, I debate for a moment about making tea. But I'm really to tired to do anything other then just fall face down on the bed and sleep for a decade. Which is exactly what I'm going to do.
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