The Decade That Changed My Life.....

Dec 29, 2009 12:20

In 2000 I was still in school, Year 10, but as well as suffering with bullying in the school, I was suffering at home. Though in school, I took IT, Travel and Tourism and Media.  Media was the best out of them all.  I dont remember much about 2000, though 2001 I was in Year 11 this time, was shocking for me, my mum finally kicked the person who abused me out. but the other torment for me was going through what he did to me, as well as trying to juggle G.C.S.E's as well as going though and being paranoid about this person getting me, come June/July, I ended up going to court cause he pleaded not guilty, so thoughout my G.C.S.E exams I had to attend a court case, it went on for a week, he got found not guilty on me, and I was devastated, I dont think that was the word,  the day after I gave evidence in court, I had my final G.C.S.E exam, which was Media, and for the 3 hours it lasted, I was able to escape home life, and everything else.  I left school, and decided to go to Barry College.  August 2001, I collected my G.C.S.E results, which they were crap, really crap...  6Fs, 2GS, and 1E.....  I was really dissipointed with myself.  I wanted to inroll on a Media course in Barry College, but this woman was rather rude, so I just re-did a Maths/English corse, though as I came home from that corse, I turned on the news, and watched something, the most awful thing ever, 11/09 thats all I can say.....

A few days later I went to college for the first time, and met some nice people, and even went out with someone, it was on 5 hours, he dumped me cause he thought I was gonna run of with a rockstar (lmao at it now though), I then went out with Jon, about a weekish later it didnt last long, I cheated on him come Jan 2002, with Steven, for a year and a half I put up with a lot of torment from him and beatings, whenever Man Utd lost, he'd attack me, I also at this point had to support Man Utd, cause if I didnt, I think I wouldve been badly injured....  ''If you tell anyone I am hitting you, I'll kill  you and your family'', so I suffered in silance.  As well as having beatings from him in this year, my mum had cancer, I was so upset, yet, I'd get a beating if I cried....  I was due to go on holiday come Sept, while my mum was in hospital, I wanted to cancel the holiday, but she told me to go, so I did, and after a long bus trip back home, I hopped onto the bus to go to the hospital to see my mum....  I missed her, but was just upset, to see her the way I did.... When I got back to boyfriends house, I got beat up again, so I just didnt show any imoition at all, I couldnt, and the beatings started to get worse, if I said anything bad about Eminem or a band he liked.... I felt trapped, but love was trapping me....

In 2003, the beatings contunied and my mum was having rounds of chemo, and it is something I'll never ever want to see, ever again. I finally broke free of the beatings as off September 2003, I went to a place that was amazing, its a gothic girls dream, come November, when he didnt say 'I love you' back, I got someone to dump him for me. I had to focus in college, and I was a little shit to start of with, but I calm down after a while.  In Atlantic College, we did corses and went to work every other month.  In 2004/05 I started working in Iceland, it was hell, well worser then hell, I was there puppet, when I fell ill in 2005, and told them about it, they laughed at me.

I dont remember anything for 2006.....

2007, I met up with someone from a forum, who'd I been swapping Doctor Who cards with, we stayed at each other houses, though it was 2008, when we both met John Barrowman....  My first words  ''OMG its John''...... Debs remember that?? lol.... then we met him outside the stage door at the Hipprodrome, where we met Pete, and gosh he is tall..... lol....   I also went to my first convention with my mum, I wont forget that ever, we met awesome people Chris C, Chris W, and Ruth D, though I dunno how we meet, it has left my mind, if you remember let me know lol....  the end of the year wasnt exciting at all.

Come 2009, I had a blast this year, gosh its just been awesome, I went to two conventions, got closer to a few mates (Chris W and Ruth D and others), had some fall outs, but made up :), saw some Gavin and Stacey filming, which was just awesome, but abit tiring, and I also got to know Kath C alot more, at one point I opened up to her while they were taking a break from filming, I just didnt want her finding out second hand about my life, it was best if it came from me, I was frightened I'd lose her as a friend, but thankfuly I didnt, thanks Kath for being so understanding :). Also had an awesome time fangirling with Kath, Lisa and Hazel in Sept.  Come Oct, I went to Hub 3 with my mum, was so excited as James Marsters were to be there, but it didnt happen, he had an accerdent, and couldnt fly, I was so upset, but James' health is more important then a con.  I got though the convention and it turned out to be great had many hugs from  Rik Makarem.....  we also stayed up all night, well Chris W did, to get 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 tickets for Hub 4....  Maria is 2, Chris W is 3, Ruth is 4, My mum is 5, I am 6 and Chris C is 7..... Chris W ended up going to Hollowedeen, and OMG she did the most awesome thing ever, GOT JAMES MARSTERS TO CALL ME :D.....  At first I didnt answer, cause I was to busy watcing X-Factor, but then I called her back to thank her, and I am talking to JAMES MARSTERS....  about X-factor..... XD, it was rather strange.....   Here is the transcript of the voice mail:-

Hello Hayz, This is James Marsters, talking to you from Heathrow, wondering where you are love? I am sorry I missed you, Been having a wonderful converstation with Chris here.  And I am tottelly lying to you im giving you this fake accent (it was an English Spike accent before).
Oh I wish we had gotten you, and be having a really great convertsation along with a desent piece of fish, and err.....  just wanted to say hi, and err so that we missed you. I hope I get to meet you in the future. Bye.

I dont think Chris W, knows how awesome she just is, she is more then awesome, but I dunno the word that can match that....  Speaking to James M, made me feel great and awesome, and thanks to her and James, they made me realize that dreams are there....  My dream is coming true and that is thanks to James M and Chris W.....  Chris W, I owe you so much, because your awesome, and I am lucky to have a friend like you :).

Chris W ordered tickets for James Marsters a few months back and our numbers are the same as the Hub 4 numbers, its spooky....

Anyways, I think thats it, and 2009, is in the wrong order, but it doesnt matter.

A message to my Twitter followers (I havent forgotten you, though I nearly did lol), you are awesome people too, and you know how you are :), 2009 has been awesome on Twitter, made some good Twitter friends.  Sends hugs and thanks x

What else was there, a few things I typed up on here that I dont need to repeat, but I'll link you to them :).

Jan football Report:-

Hub 2 Report 1 (March):

Hub 2 Report 2 (March):

Another footie report (March):-
this goes with this entry:

Torchwood Signing July:-

Writting this has been kinda strange, I have had more bad things then good happen to me, hopefully next decade, it'll be better, I already have a full direy of 2010 as it is......

*I didnt add a few things, as I wanted to keep it personal and only for close friends to know.....

2005, gavin and stacey, 2000, 2009, 2003, 2002, 2007, 2001, cnacer, 2008, barry, 2004, rockstar... cant be asked anymore, 2006

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