Woah!! Saturday!! Other Stuff!!

Mar 31, 2009 15:54

Friday night, all I could think about was the football and Miklu.  Thats right Miklu, your most probly thinking who is this lad she is speaking off, well, let me tell you, Mikael Forsseell(Miklu) used to play for Birmingham City FC, he played for Hannover 96 now, he is an awesome dude, and I repect him so much, he's been knocked down by injuries, but he's bonced back, he sounds a real nice guy too, with what Elizabeth's been saying, as she has met him loads of times.  Anyway, back to this, before I ramble on about Miklu.  I tries to have an early night, as I like to have my sleep.

I woke up at 7:30am, trying to not think of the day ahead, which I knew wouldve got me excited!  But it was so hard, so I try and catch half an hour sleep, but I was just exicted about what was going to happen.  I get dressed and by the time of 10:30 I was just eger to go, I called my dad and asked him that it was 11 o'clock that we were gonna meet up and he said 'No its 12', so I said 'I thought it was 11, can we meet then?' and he said 'ok then, meet you then!'...  So I meet my dad, while I also had my brother with me...  Got on the bus and as soon as I saw Finnish dudes, I knew I was going to be happy!  I went and gots myself a scarf, and had the hottest Finnish guys behind me, so I looked at this blonde one and thought 'fittness'.... Then we end up for some reason walking around in a circle, and end up outside the Millieunnim Stadium waiting for Elizabeth and her dad....  I took a few pictures and stuff....  Then my dad spots Elizabeth and her dad, we walk towards them and goes into O'Nells, which may I add.....  Was full of Finland fans, only a handful of Welsh fans were in there, or maybe not a handful, but gives you an idea....  Elizabeth and her dad has something to eat, but Elizabeth didnt eat all her food as she was to excited too (I knew how she felt as when I was at the Hub 1/2 I hardly ate anything), we then ate food, and then me, my brother and dad desided to have something from Burger King!

I cant remember much other then wanting to go into the MS....  Once we got there, we went to our seats, and then me and Elizabeth desided to ditch the others (I cant think of a nicer word sorry) and go towards were the Finnish players were training, and to see Miklu was well......  I cant put it into words, but all I can say was emontional, as I was happy, but wanted to cry at the same time, I thought I would never see him play at all, and just to see him train was just an awesome moment....  So me and Elizabeth take some more photos and then a dude came up to us and asked us 'are you sitting there?' and me and Elizabeth went 'no, were not' and he said 'just make sure you move when the band comes off, as thats where they'll be sitting'....  He couldve done worse and sent us back to our seats, but 5 minutes after we left to go back to our proper seats... Then we had some idiots in the front off us chanting 'STAND UP IF YOU HATE THE ENGLISH!'....  What was amusing was, no one stood up in the block we were in only the idoit and his mates....  I said to Elizabeth 'I dunno why they are acting like that, most of the Wales players on that pitch play for an England side, so why chant some crap'...   It was time for the National Anthems....  Finlands first....  Ah....  Miklu on screen too.....  Ah..... Mind you some of the Finland team are fit!  Then it was the Welsh National Anthem, which was sung by Cyres Matthews, and the Wales players came on screen, but my eyes were fixed on the Finland team!!  KICK OFF
*I am sounding so erm....  unwelsh lol*
I dont remember any of the game other then Miklu having a few shots and nothing came of them, I was so wanting him to score.  But he tried his hardest and whenever he had a shot on goal and it was missed, you got to see him on the kinda big screen so all wasnt bad...  Then the 89th minute came, Forssell had the ball kicked to him and he miss kicked it and fell to the floor....  The Welsh fans laughed (even the Welsh team played on, which pissed me off so much, poor Miklu would kick the ball out of play if he saw a player was down injured), I had tears in my eyes and so did Elizabeth, seing someone you idolize injure themself is just the most awful feeling ever, and I was hoping they didnt bring out the stracter or else that wouldve broke my heart...  He got subbed, and you could tell something was wrong, he had a little limp kinda thing....  So on comes S.Kuqi and as Miklu comes off, there is a close up of him on screen, and as Kuqi comes on a close up of 'ewwww'... Anyways,pay back bloody time, and Finland scored!!! HA HA HA!!!!  SHOULDNTVE LEFT MIKLU THERE....  SHOULDVE KICKED THE BALL OUT, BUT NONE OF YOU WELSH PLAYERS HAD IT IN YOU TOO!!!  At least Wayne Hennessay has a heart and checked to see if he was ok!  Yes, Wayne maybe a Wovels player and I may not like him, but I repspect him in that way!

Wales deserved to lose, and Ballamy was so out of order, sorry Welsh fans, but he was.....  You lost the game, deal with it, yeah, you might not get to go to the World Cup Ballamy so bloody what?? Did you see Speed complaing?? I dont think so...  So shut you mouth!!

Ok, rant over....

Anyways we left the staduim, but somehow managed to get split up from my dad and Elizabeth's dad, I saw an old college mate too...  We found the dads, and we all said bye to my dad, and then Elizabeth got abit tired so she and her dad headed off back home to Birmingham...  I get on the number 96 bus,   we passed the Staduim and I started to get all sad and tearful.  I had the best Saturday ever (up there with the conventions), to share it with someone I care about alot, was just awesome....

I got home and was just so tired...

So all in all, my Saturday was awesome....  I miss Elizabeth, and I would love to see Miklu play again, when I dunno, maybe for Birmingham(thats a big ask though) one day, who knows?...  I thank Elizabeth, her dad, my dad, my brother and Miklu for making the weekend just awesome and to Elizabeth, I dont think I couldve shared it with anyone else....  I finally got to see Miklu and you got to see him play again :)....  I know how much that means to you:)
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