So..... What Do I Post, When I Am Abit Annoyed!

Mar 24, 2009 11:19

I had my medicals records through yesterday and reading them, I am upset and angry.  I'm upset and angry my mum didnt tell me one thing, but I understand why, but I'd rather it have come from her and not a piece of paper.  I dont want to say what it is, as I dont want to upset most of my mates, I care about them to much to do that, but if they ask, then I am willing to tell.

I didnt realize that doctors (some I should say) stab you in the back, one doctor said in a letter to my GP that I moan/complain about alot of things illness wise, which when I see this certain doctor, I hardly say a word, and then to compare me with other people was just beyond the joke.  I am well and truly pissed off with them.  All this doctor seems to care about is her bloody pay packet.

I also saw something I didnt really want to see and have brought it all back, which I didnt want :'(....  I am trying to get on with my life, so to read what I did in my medical records kinda freaked me out... I yelled 'TAKE IT AWAY MUM, I DONT WANT TO SEE IT, BURN IT, DO SOMETHING WITH IT, I DONT NEED IT, DO SOMETHING, GET RID OF IT'....  I want to let go of the past, but its just put me a few steps back seing that document I saw.

You think oh great I am getting on with my life, dealing with it and then you read something and then you back a few steps....  I realy dont like it when that happens.

The good news is, Wales V Finland on Saturday and I am going to that with my brother, dad, Elizabeth and her dad (whos name I have forgotten, sorry)...  Hopefully Miklu is playing, it would make my year that much better.  I have always been meaning to see Miklu when he played for Birmingham City FC, but at the time I refused to pay the ticket prices...  I really regreat not seing him in a Blues shirt.

213 days til I go away to The Hub 3....

I rant about so much, but I'd rather get my anger out this way, then any other way!
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