Title: Home
Pairing: HoSuJae; OT5-ish
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Yunho is reminded of what the sweetest gifts are.
A/N: This is my birthday fic for both Yunho and Jaejoong (whose birthday, regrettably, I was too busy to write something for). It's better late than never, right?
And to those who I still have to write requests for, I'm sorry they aren't up yet, but I promise you I haven't forgotten about them. They are all in progress, but my schedule has been tight and I've been sleeping more than usual lately, but that's hardly an excuse. Ah~ sorry again, and I'll try to finish them soon.
Home... home... a little break... best birthday present ever...
Yunho stared out the window of the airplane pouting at his reflection. He was glad that they would be home for his birthday, but the thought of wading through a sea of fans and endless work to be done was putting a damper on his mood. Oh, the glamorous life of the celebrity...
Not to say that Yunho didn't like his life, stardom was just... tiresome sometimes.
"Yunho-ah, you should sleep. Do you want to switch seats?" Jaejoong asked tenderly from the middle seat. Turning to him, the leader nodded, carefully standing up so he could shuffle himself and the main vocalist. Settling in, he rested his head on Jaejoong's shoulder and reached blindly for Junsu who had taken the aisle seat. The eldest member began to stroke his hair absently, watching over the two.
"Shh..." he soothed, placing Yunho's hand on Junsu's carefully, "I just got him to sleep and, well, he needs it."
Yunho nodded in agreement, shifting so he could see the baritenor better. The younger man had slumped forward in a fitful imitation of sleep, his brow furrowed. Suddenly, he woke with a start, looking around sleepily before setting his gaze on Yunho and leaning over peck the leader on the lips. Yunho smiled, hand still covering Junsu's as the younger man settled against him, falling back asleep. Next to him, Jaejoong chuckled softly.
Shutting his eyes lazily, Yunho adjusted himself and threaded his free hand through Junsu's arm. If he was tired, the younger man was probably feeling downright shitty. He was overworked, Yunho was overworked, hell, they all were...
Yunho found himself shaken awake sometime later, by a tired-eyed Junsu, who promptly reached over to do the same for Jaejoong.
"Are we there yet?" the oldest yawned stretching as best he could with Yunho still sprawled over him. Junsu answered by way of nodding as kicked the seat in front of him violently, causing a very-awake Changmin to turn in his seat.
"What's your problem?" the tenor glared before turning to the eldest member, "And, no, there's still a while, but the food cart should be coming soon."
With a huff, the youngest member turned back in his seat to revive Yoochun. Chuckling, Yunho attempted to snuggle back in between a fidgety Jaejoong and a restless Junsu. The former pursed his lips and poked Yunho into a sitting position. Pouting, the leader struggled upright just as the food cart pulled up next to them.
To his great surprise, a cake was placed in front of him, complete with messy hangul and melty candles. He looked at the others, Changmin and Yoochun having turned around in their seats, and felt almost as if they were already at home in the privacy of their apartment. Before he knew it, he was crying, heart beating wildly in his chest.
Junsu's voice was suddenly in his ear, "We know that a plane is not exactly where you want to spend your birthday, and fighting your way through fans and getting home to more work isn't on your list either..."
"...and we hoped we could make it a little easier to get through the day," Jaejoong finished from his other side.
"Wax is melting on the cake," Changmin chimed in from in front of them and they all laughed. One harmonious and raucous rendition of "Happy Birthday" later, Yunho was blowing out his candles.
I wish... I wish.. for nothing else but them to be with me for the rest of forever...
Changmin and Yoochun patted him firmly and turned back around, laughing off Yunho's repetitive thank yous as Jaejoong wrapped the cake up neatly and Junsu cleaned frosting off of his face. Settling back down again, Yunho pulled Jaejoong and Junsu closer to him.
"Thank you, guys. Really."
Two light smacks were dealt to his head.
"Don't be stupid."
"What are you going on about?"
"Besides..." Yunho didn't have to look at either of them to see their mischievously smug expressions, "We're giving you your, uh...real gift later."
( ')<*CHU*>(' )
Err.. yeah. There we go.
Here's the customary:
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