Title: As Seen on TV
Pairing: Minsu
Genre: Urgh... Crackish Fluff
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Uh... let's just that this fic was inspired by
">this commercial for Lindt Lindor Truffles
"Do you dream in chocolate?" The smooth voice poured out of the TV, eliciting a derisive laugh from Yoochun.
"Do you believe this?" he snorted as the commercial went on to describe creamy chocolate centers, "Who the hell actually dreams of chocolate? What a stupid pitch!"
A laugh broke from Yunho, Jaejoong, and Junsu who were all seated on the couch and floor around him. Changmin, seated at their kitchen table, was silent, flushing slightly as he stared blankly at the textbook in front of him. His lack of motion caught Yoochun's eye, causing the baritone to laugh.
"Oh no! Changmin-ah! Don't tell me you eat in your dreams too! No wonder Yunho always sounds so pissed when he wakes you up in the morning! He must dream of cleaning your dishes!"
A fresh round of laughter broke out, egged on by the impromptu shoving match that commenced between Yunho and Yoochun. Junsu, however, hadn't rejoined them, watching the younger singer- circumstances here would have it that they were a couple- with a pang of sympathy. Suddenly stricken by a bright idea, Junsu dug through his pockets and hastily scribbled something before getting up and walking past Changmin and disappearing through the dark hallway off the kitchen.
The tenor stared after him, surprised by the message that landed on the book in front of him as Junsu passed:
Minnie-ah, I dream of chocolate too. You want me to show you?
Changmin blushed darkly after reading the loaded words; it was written on a condom packet. He promptly looked up to where Junsu had disappeared to find the baritenor waiting for him, smiling expectantly.
Smiling back, Changmin got up and joined him, forgetting all about his embarrassment, but making a mental note to kick Yoochun's ass after thoroughly examining Junsu's dreams.
( ')<*QUACK*>(' )
Um... comments are love!