Damn I knew I was a smart!

Dec 21, 2012 08:41

I got two of my final grades back from Sac State, still missing my Sociology one though. I totally gots two muthfuckin A's for my Humanities classes. Yep that's right peoples my Zuko and Aang paper gave me an A- in my HRS seminar the Hero class. WOOT! Go me. Its mah birthday! I'm awesome! heh

So far the Fall semester gave me

Classical Mythology- A
HRS 190 Seminar The Hero- A-
Sociology 1- B+

So hmmm lets see how I'm gonna do in the Spring. Cause apparently I am taking the two most difficult professors other HRS majors have told me. Oh well bring it bitches! Cause I don't give a fuck! Wat? Oh yeah bring it on and let's get this shit done!

Well I gots mah last grade from Fall 2012. And man I did pretty good. holy shit a B+ in intro to sociology? Nice! Wow so lets see wat this Spring semester will bring me...since I already did a whole year of college classes. I'm so proud of mah self peoples. True story. I really need to pat myself on the back for how awesome I am. No need to be coy huh? :p

thoughts, rambles, college, classes

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