Ok, I have 3 projects I would like to work on and I would like some help, I am really looking for people with team development experience to help me with.
Largely I will be posting links to design documents and discussing approaches I am thinking of. Then I will be using these projects and their documentation are resume fodder.
1) Libsyn podcast app for Android. An framework application for turning libsyn.com hosted podcasts into branded Podcast applications on android.
This is largely done, I will need to get a certificate to sign it once the code is finished. If you have an android phone or a libsyn hosted podcast, let me know, I could use the help.2) Email automation:
Here is a talk about what I would like to do Maybe this woman will beat me to the punch, I know I will look at her code and steal ideas and try and provide her with my ideas. I'm just tired of wading through email and I want a better solution. This will use some simple machine learning and statistics to implement her nag script and important mail notification, so I can shut down my email and know I will be able to respond in a timely manner.3) Trader: A simple multiplayer trading game where you fly around space and buy and sell commodities, with a true market simulation under the hood.
I'm looking for the most help here but there is one caveat: If you are currently employed by a game company, I would love your help but can't accept it because of the risk of your employment contract causing issues if this ever gets to where I want it to be, which is an an ad supported social game.