Sep 08, 2010 09:38
I'm grateful for people who write.
and no, that isn't some kind of pumping up my ego thing. I'm grateful for other people who write. They are the ones that inspire me, encourage me, entertain me, and just help me through life. The words they have written on paper or on a screen are always there for other people, even if they don't enjoy it.
No matter what mood you are in you can find something that someone has written to fit said mood. Even if you just want to tear something apart to take out your angry emotions - there's plenty of bad writing for that. There's even just plain silly fan fiction to subdue your cravings for something else. You want it, they got it. It's somewhere out there. You just have to look.
It's just nice to be able to hold that book in your hands and be soothed by the words. Even if they aren't soothing exactly, they might be exciting or terrifying or depressing. But oh, you needed that.
- Mollie