(no subject)

Dec 09, 2011 11:24

I know, I know. It's been awhile, and I'm am still alive. I've just been very busy. I have a new job at World Market and when I'm not there I'm at school which is annoying atm because I'm just auditing this class, and half the time I feel like I should be working for a grade and the other half I just don't want to even bother. blarg.

Got a new tattoo on monday after Shelby and I decided to got to Flag to see snow. We left at like midnight and brought Kipp along. Played in the snow for a bit in the dark then crashed at Shelby's ex-not-boyfriend's house. And by crash I mean stay up until 6 in the morning and sleep until 7:30

But...shark tattoo. :3 happiness.

I'll be back, I promise, it's just tumblr and Grey's Anatomy have been taking up my time. But I'll be back.


journal, school

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