(no subject)

Jan 04, 2012 15:40

Oh yeah, well....yeah.

I knoooow, I'm a terrible person. But I'm writing fanfiction!
But it's Naruto fanfiction.
But I've finished other fic!
But I probably wont post it for a while because I'm lazy.

In my defense, I have been so. busy.
sort of.

Mostly watching Naruto and Grey's Anatomy and Fringe and in the last few days writing fanfiction.
Updated Instincts at ff.net, finished a Kenzi/Dyson fic...that's it prettah much.

Got another speeding ticket which really bums me the fuck out. I've really had a crappy six months that I don't want to talk about because I just want to forget it all. I feel like dying my hair and getting something else pierced to make me feel better.

So I work at World Market as I may have mentioned, and there's a girl there who I'm friends with and WE ARE TV SOULMATES. If we'd met over the internet we would stalk each other, ONLY IT'S REAL LIFE AND SHE'S JUST AS SANE AS I AM!
It's a wonderful feeling talking about shows with someone who's open about watching new things and wont critiz what I watch...in real life.
Seriously it's like being on the internet when I'm with her. She watches Sherlock, Primeval, Gery's Anatomy, Fringe, Suits, she's a Joss Whedon fan, she wants to start watching GoT, watches Warehouse 13, Doctor Who, Merlin (but not anymore because she thinks the writers are stupid just like I do and she doens't think Gwen and Arthur have chemistry but she does think Arthur and Morgana and Merlin and Morgana do) and she watches How I Met Your Mother and we're going to watch the new episode of Sherlock on sunday when it comes on and seriously guys. Soul Mate.

...Would anybody actually be interested in reading Naruto fic if I posted it here? I'm planning on posting it to ff.net, but if people are interested I'll post here too.

So...What's going on guys? I have not been on lj for the past month, so tell me pretty things that I should know :D

friends, real life, journal

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