you're all I've ever wanted dear | I could utter every word you ever hoped to hear

Sep 24, 2011 22:50

Posting again to make note of a few things. First, changed my header to 11/Claudia, used the same graphic featured on my tumblr.

Also, updated my profile - got rid of the banners for all the land comms I'm not in, replaced it with a Claudia/Professor X graphic, updated fandoms, added a gif.

Planning on posting the fic/graphics I have on my tumblr just in case you want to see them but have no time for tumblr.

Also, planning on starting a Celebrity Dodgeball (as so dubbed by word-never-said), so look out for that.

Haven't seen any of the new shows coming back, but decided Glee is out. Not sure what I'll be watching any time soon, but my life right now is so busy and my head space is not right for television at the moment.

I don't know. I really just don't. I'm having a hard time dealing with life in my head right now....which I think I already said. I just want to write fic and make graphics and watch Becoming Jane until I die.

All I Ever Wanted by Airborne Toxic Event has been playing on repeat for the entire week. It keeps me feeling things and it's the perfect song for my ships right now.

I'm going to think of something to do while I'm on the computer for a few more hours. later.


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