"Have you ever thought about being happy?" "Yup." "And?" "It pissed me off."

Sep 24, 2011 19:37

springinstep I got your letter! And I love my Will drawing thank you! I actually got it last Tuesday, but I've been busy and obsessing over Becoming Jane (as you all may know...). But yes, thank you <3

I have a few new friends on my journal, and I really don't feel like making an intro post, so I'll just wait until later. But a few things I will direct you all too:

sinnessjukdom - my personal graphic's journal, which I use mostly for picspams.
the cunning clock - is my tumblr
fromxashes - a graphic journal I post to with dhfreak and chosenfire28

I do use this journal for fic as well as rl posts, and rarely do I f-lock anything, but if I do I usually announce it.

But tumblr is what is hold my attention at present, so if you have one and you didn't know I did, troll about in it <3

I don't have much to say except that I will need a beta for my xoverexchange. I will say what I'm doing, but my assignment is on my flist and it would be awkward if they saw what I was doing for them.


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