Becoming Jaded by
mandya06 [Tom/Minerva, NC-17] A relationship starting out with jealousy isn't going to lead anywhere good. Too bad Minerva doesn't realize this before it's too late.
Reflections On A Villain - One Year Later by
kcstories [Tom/Harry, PG] "Some day we'll need to venture back out into the world," he says. The words are spoken quietly, almost inaudibly because he knows from experience that suggestions such as these are likely to send you into a frenzied panic.
Twisted Logic by
supehsunny [Tom/Ginny, PG-13] "I love you," he tells her. The words, she now knows, are soft and sweet but deceitful and empty. Tom had made her whole. Tom had broken her. She wants to hate him.
Resolution by
kcstories [Tom/Hermione, PG-13] Hermione makes her decision.
Spaces Where My Heart Used To Be by
by_starkiller [Tom/Blaise, R]
Dream in Darkness by
jairissa [Harry/Draco, Voldemort, PG-13] When Harry dreams, he dreams of Voldemort.
Spark by
rubymiene [Tom, R] As the war against Grindelwald rages, an orphanage in London hides the formation of another darkness.
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Serendipity by
macvanaly, Ch. 49 [TR/HP]
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Sanguinary Rose Petals by
macvanaly, Ch. 4 [TR/HP]
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All I have to do is die by TwilightNocturne74, Ch. 13 [TR/GW]
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Losing Touch by A.O.T.I.F., Ch. 27 [LV/HP]
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Friend or Foe by Niger Aquila, Ch. 23 [HP, LV]
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Voldie's Book Club by
cheryl_bites, Ch. 4 [LV/HP]
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Welcome to Hogwarts 1949 by Ohyeah100, Ch. 24 [HP, TR]
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Altered Destinies by DobbyElfLord, Ch. 21-22 [HP, TR]
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Fifty Years Ago by Aquiriis, Ch. 2 [TR/GW]
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Seduction of Darkness by Poisoned Ink, Ch. 25 [LV/HP]
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Revelations by
slytherinfiend, Ch. 1 [Tom/Minerva, PG] Minerva reveals what she knows to Tom, which happens to be much more than he ever thought possible.
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God-Sib by
compagnie, Prologue [Tom/Harry, R] Tom Riddle hears rumors of a boy hidden in the hospital wing. It seems those rumors contain truth... and Tom is determined to unravel the mystery surrounding Harry Potter.
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Walking Across Time by snufkin [Harry, Tom, PG-13] Harry travels back in time in order to kill Tom Riddle but things don't go as planned. Who is the uncanny first year who seems to hold a grudge against Riddle? Dark!Harry.
Art & Icons
Two of Wands by
slytherinfiend [Tom/Harry, PG]
Satisfaction by
slytherinfiend [Tom/Minerva, PG-13]
An Evening's Rest by
honeybean [Tom, PG]
to become insane by
miyoung_boz [Tom, G]
we do not speak his name by
boadicea [Voldemort, PG-13]
Riddle, Voldemort, Bellatrix icons by
marquisebaelish Dark Lord links always welcome! Comment here, or email.