Just my thoughts...

Jun 28, 2008 10:06

Well it rolls around every year to this same place… Happy Birthday to me..

Every year I look at myself in the mirror to see if what I have changed a lot. This year not so much has changed. Yes in many ways I am just a slight image of who I was 15 years ago. But hell 15 years ago I was only 17 with huge hopes and dreams. 15 years ago I questioned why things were so fast moving and why things could not be more like they were year before that. I know now that everything has to progress. Everything must move on, sure, but it does not have to move so danged fast. I like to take time out and enjoy what is around me. I find my children help remember how much fun life can be. My parents remind me that respect is the most valuable tool we have to offer each other as human beings. This year for my birthday I am celebrating the fact that I quit smoking 8 months ago, I have wonderful husband, two beautifully wonderful children, and a hand full of great friends who no matter what have stood by me and though sometime I can be harsh (a bitch even), they are still there and they love me because I am ME and not trying to be something else. Let me tell you finding out who you are (who you really are way deep down) can be hard and even scary at times. I look around most days and I see what is, I forget sometimes what I have been through in my life. Most days though I live like tomorrow is the greatest gift of all, and honestly it is the greatest gift of all. I mean tomorrow means I have one more day with my family and friends.  I have lost a few friends over the years and I miss them. I know a few of you might feel that I have changed who I am, but I think that I have just grown into who I was always meant to be. I would like to say to those who I have known for years and years that if I don’t call, and if I don’t write it’s my laziness as bad as that sounds, I want to call you all every week and talk and be a part of what of is going on for you all, but I just don’t do it. Bad on me, I know, but there it is. So call me or write or email and tell me hey call me dang it. It’s what you should do. Well I apologize anyhow, to all who wonder what happened to Michelle, just tell them she mellowed out a bit and she is a more a mom now than anything else.

Well happy Birthday to any who I missed, this far this year.

If you need to contact me, and you don’t know how them either leave me a message at my MySpace or email me.

If you don’t have one of those then let me know and I will get it to you…

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