New Idea

Jun 20, 2010 03:04

I know I don't have many friends on lj (though I hope to change that soon) and my writing over the past few years has brought new meaning to the word "sporadic".

However, through my ambition to get my PhD in holistic nutrition and while I am 5 weeks away from obtaining my Bachelor's, I have come up the idea to post raw food recipes each day. And I'll offer tidbits of info on how different foods have different effects, yadda yadda..

I'd be happy to answer questions about cleansing and fasting, and give some insight into supplementing cancer/chronic disease treatment with a holistic approach. As some of you who read my journal know, I spent a couple years battling brain cancer. At 14 years old, I was given 6 months, at best, to live. *waves* Still here! Hiiiiiiii!!!! Surgery to completely remove the tumours was not an option and there seemed to be a new chemo cocktail each month. I felt as if I would rather die than go through another treatment.

Then I began thinking of how much my animals were benefiting from raw foods, homeopathy, and herbal remedies.

For example, my greyhound, Rubio, though now in his last summer (not fair to make him endure another winter), is most likely going to see his 18th birthday. He has laryngeal paralysis, but due to his age and breed (and lack of monetary resources) he is not a good candidate for the tie back procedure.
We thought we were going to lose him in November, but surprisingly, he has bounced back. He is able to eat, jump on and off the bed, and trot around the yard when the weather isn't too much of a hindrance. (dry cold air and hot humid air give him some breathing difficulty.) His eyes are clear and bright, but they were once cloudy with cataracts. He shows almost no signs of arthritis. I put him on a custom, mainly raw diet. He is doing wonderfully on it!

I am now in remission.

So, raw food recipes of the day.....
Let's start with a smoothie, they're simple:
Green Sprouting Juice:
1-2 cups juice (carrot, tomato, apple, pineapple, or carrot/celery)
1 handful of sprouts (I prefer sunflower greens)
squeeze of lemon or lime.
Blend and enjoy!
Sweeten with stevia or raw honey.

Fruity Tea
This is a personal fave that can be enjoyed warm or cold.
You'll need:
2 cups orange juice
1 1/2 cups apple juice
juice of 1 lime
2 cinnamon sticks
1 small piece of ginger
2 quarts water
place in pan and heat on very low for 15 minutes.

Food of the Day:

Broccoli contains abundant amounts of vitamin C, potassium, fiber, folic acid, calcium, and vitamin A.
Broccoli gives a boost to certain enzymes that help detoxify the body. Detoxification contributes to weight loss while helping to prevent cancer, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, and high blood pressure.
Broccoli contains a certain pectin fiber that binds to bile acids and keeps cholesterol from being released into the bloodstream.
The chromium in broccoli may be effective in preventing type 2 diabetes by maintaining stable blood-sugar levels.
A chemical found in broccoli, called sulforaphane, was found to kill H. pylori, bacteria that cause stomach ulcers and stomach cancers. Sulforaphane even destroyed strains of bacteria that had become resistant to antibiotics.

- Ounce for ounce, broccoli offers more vitamin C than an orange and as much calcium as a glass of milk. One medium spear has 3 times more fiber than a slice of wheat bran breadand over 1000IUs of vitamin A.
- Fresh broccoli has a clean "green" smell, so if you notice a strong odor, it is past it's prime and will be touch and woody no matter how you cook it.
- Don't discard the leaves. They contain the highest concentration of beta carotene. The leaves are edible, so try adding them to your salad greens.
- If you are put off by the smell of the sulfur compounds released while broccoli is cooking, drop a large piece of stale bread in the cooking water to counteract the odor.

I promise to do LJ cuts on the next entry!

Was just about to post this and was all like "who am I kidding? No one really cares about this stuff." Oh well..... I'll hit "post" anyway.
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