Geek project: Horus, the god of revenge! Or at least a 'bot of it...

Dec 27, 2014 16:35

'OMG dude, how many of these things have you made????'

Er... plenty... not that I obsess or anything! Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha! And since I'm on a giant robot kick and looking for some off-the-wall 'bots, what else is there. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... how about a god... but not just any god... something that looks funky, bad-ass... oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Horus! The falcon-headed got of retribution!

'Um... dude... why does an Egyptian god need a robot..'

Because... um... er... hey, that's the way I roll! So there.

Horus is constructed from the Samurai Spawn figure. I LOVE the Manga Spawn line from waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back. However the Samurai Spawn figure just looked... bizarre. Sure it's very ornate, beautifully painted, blah, blah, blah, but why is it a samurai???? Oy. However as I looked at my broken figure I got in my box of Spawn figure, the crest on the head reminded me of Yul Brenner as Ramses in 'The Ten Commandments'. BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From there it's the usual madness. A ton of bits and pieces. The crest on the helm is actually a broken piece of the figure so it blended in perfectly. I threw on some glass 'jewels' to add a lot of 'pop' to the figure. The giant sword? That's from a bulk box of Lego Bionicle pieces! Woohoo! The staff in the left hand was built from scratch from all sorts of odds and ends. It's meant to remind you of Horus' symbol, the falcon. Speaking of Bionicle pieces that joints which allow the wings to move so well are Bionicle pieces. Hurray for multi-tasking toy pieces! The pieces all have very tight ball-joints so the wings have a wonderful range of motion. And yes, Horus has an energy cannon on it's back.

'Um... dude.. Horus is a god...'

Yes, but it's also got a sword and staff so why not an energy cannon on the back! Ha!

One of the added touches is the staff and sword can both be stored on Horus' back. Woohoo!

The base is an ancient Egyptian city. Hey, if I'm gonna do Horus, gotta go continue the look!

So there it is, in all of it's glory! Whew!

Horus in all of it's revenge-filled glory! On a pretty stand that looks like ancient Egypt.

Not quite downtown Cairo but...

From the back. Wings folded, energy-cannon up (Yes, cannon... hey, my 'bot, my weapons.) and holding the word on the right side of Horus and the staff on the left side

Wings at full estension

Yes, it has a mystical energy cannon! Why... cuz! Nyah!

geek project

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