Geek project: Azathoth!

Dec 14, 2014 13:26

Yes, I've been on a Lovecraft kick. Cthulhu gets the most recognition because it's iconic. The tentacles, the mountainous size, the wings, the works. The Dunwich Horror is just a nasty, whacky mess of head, tentacles, limbs, and general ickiness. But it's easy to forget Azathoth, the madness at the center of the universe:

Done reading? Yes, I built my take on it. No, it's NOT the size of my work-shop in the basement! Although it's pretty dang big. Hehehehehe!

So how did this thing come about? Well the base for the piece are a multitude of items. The very top that's two 'horns' is a monster-creator from the miniature game Heroscape. That was glued on top of a plastic container. The next level, with those freaking protrusions and giant 'stock' in the 'middle' was the stand for an Iron Man figure. The was attached to another large plastic container. From there it's a ton of odds and ends glued on. With LOTS of tentacles all over the place. You'll also notice a few patches which are all bubbly and blistered. Those are patches of paper from the paper-plate I use to hold my glue gun. Over the years it's accumulated tons of glue streaks and blobs. Wanna create a nasty, gross, creepy, organic chunk of flesh? Bingo.

Although the piece has a giant red laser cannon/weapon thingy in the 'front' the piece isn't meant to have a 'front' or 'back'. The entire top can pivot 360 degrees on the Iron Man stand.

'Roy, isn't it supposed to be a giant mass of limbs and protoplasm?'

Technically, yes. But hey, I'm a mech fan so I had to add a ton of tech flourishes to it.

The nice thing about a Cthulhu-esque piece is odds and ends from all over the place work WELL. Granted in the unpainted picks it looks like a giant hot mess.

And the second set of pics is the beauty of it painted! Fine, so 'beauty' is all relative! Bwahahahahahahaha!

The base is gray to emphasize the starship/tech feel of the piece. And from there I've used a lot of peach tones to emphasize the pasty, nasty, organic look of a Lovecraft creature. I've thrown in a few purples as well since it's such an odd, otherworldly color it just seemed right. To add a bit more 'pop' and give the piece a more organic feel I also flocked the 'blisters' with sand and green 'grass'.

One of the touches I like about this piece is the under-side. Look at the close-ups and you'll see some extra 'blisters' and other nasty looking details on the underside of the ship.

'But dude, why would Azathoth decide to go all tech?'

Well, why not? Ah, another story waiting to be told...

Profile shot

Yes, the top of this thing does rotate

The 'back' of Azathoth... back?

Told you, rotating cannon of awesome!

Yes, it's that big.

In all of it's painted, freaky glory!

Eeeeewwwwwweeeee blisterly ickiness... also kinda awesome!

More ickiness on the other side!

Leeeeets get ready to rumbllllllllllllle!!!!

geek project

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