Meme: What do you think?

Jan 16, 2008 11:33

Okay this a meme I saw posted by funkyfairy23 and since I am both curious and thick-skinned I figured I'd open the forum as it were.

It's simple: Post whatever you want here in regards to me, and please do so anonymously. Doesn't have to be deep, doesn't have to personal, it can be, but its essentially a free chance to say whatever it is you wanted to say to me.

This is not intended as a hugbox, I'm not aiming to feel better about myself, I'd just like to be more aware of what others are thinking.

EDIT: I disabled IP Logging for this so as to keep myself honest, also just realized that my settings had disabled anonymous commenters so I fixed that too.

When I look back now, that summer seemed to last forever
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