Status Report - 1/16/07

Jan 16, 2008 10:56

Things are starting to look up, I'm feeling good about where things are in my life at the moment. Ignoring the discovery that I can get pissed about something while half-asleep; (At the time I thought I was fully awake, and being laughed at for what I thought were perfectly logical statements somehow set me off) the next morning I couldn't even remember what I said that provoked laughter, or what I exactly said in response. Oh well, Not a huge problem; I was very tired at the time and nothing big came of it.

Anyways been working my way along on Blackhand, am about to hit 70, 2 more levels to go! gods_a_slug and I have been discussing trying to get the guild transferred to another server. walkingundine mentioned that she's been running with a guild on Kirin Tor so we're debating trying to sweet talk Blizzard into letting our guild transfer over there. We can hold out hope, but somehow I doubt we'll see results. I rolled a Blood Elf Paladin on Kirin Tor just to get my foot in, and in preparation for login queues on Blackhand. His name is Davron though I'm not sure how much time I'll be putting into him for the time being. Especially since I've sort of committed myself to Rentus and my new Undead Warrior - also named Davron - mostly to get someone in the guild with Engineering.

In other news I have decided that perhaps it is time I reeled in my drinking. Apparently it has caused some undue stress for several people, and personally I find that after a serious night of drinking I wake up the next day feeling rather unpleasant. No headaches, instead my whole body feels sluggish and I don't sleep very well. That and I find that nobody takes me seriously after I've had a few drinks (Can't entirely blame them).

Plan: 2 drink maximum at any social gathering, I going to try and keep it to one drink the second only for very extended gatherings. Nothing stronger than the Captain in a mixed drink, nothing over 100 proof if one of those drinks is a shot.

I was going to go into a long analysis of my mental health, but decided its not worth making a paragraph out of: I'm fine now, thanks to everyone that helped me through this rough spot.

I feel the hot wind on my shoulder, and the touch of a world that is older
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