Such nice things

Oct 17, 2008 02:12

Things are looking up, as it were. Today, when I came home today from university, I had the distinct feeling that, for once, all things were more or less where they should be. Why do I feel so happy when it's raining? It was moist, thin, light droplets coming down in soft, dense mats, the kind that glitters beneath streelights and pours down stairs in small bright streams. It suits autumn evenings so well.

It's actually hard for me to really explain how busy I've been lately. There's just been such a load of things collapsing on me from all sides. Crafting e-mails, managing people, reading books for exams, writing essays, homework of this and that kind... hell, even baking has been on my palette! In a sense, none of these things should be that much, but in practice, they add up to a lot. I've managed to play a video game exactly once this whole month, and... no, I really think it's because whenever I was about to find time to do so, something came up.

I'm done, for now. My essays are sent on, my exams are finished, and there's no force in the world that's going to stop me from going to Greece, as far as I know. About time too, since I should be leaving for the airfield in a few hours' time, now. It feels nice. I haven't been stressed, so much as I've felt spread thin, or maybe insufficient, incapable as I am of manifesting in several places at once. Even so, in the midst of all this hurry, even my latest major hurdle, the presentation I did for the course on archaeological research methods went... well. It ended kind of like this:

Lecturer: "This thing was really cool. Did you arrive at these conclusions all by yourself?"

Me: "...well, mostly, yeah. Kind o- wait, did you say 'cool'?"

Lecturer: "You should think about publishing these results."

Me: "O___O Wha huh?"

That was funny! Especially since... it was this, this thing I cobbled together from the scraps of my favourite first-year essay and some theoretical frameworks from the few studies I managed to find in the span of the week I had from the moment my subject was OK'd to the deadline of the written portion. I'm still kind of weirded out - to be fair, I always did kind of like the idea myself, but still, when I wrote this thing initially, I hardly even knew how to use academic citations, for heaven's sake. I don't know why, I have the distinct feeling that I deserve something nice.

Ah, but unto this, Greece! I'm going Athens, Delphi, Olympia, Arkadia, Tripolis, Myceane, Corinthos... wahaha. Now, time to finish packing. This will be good.

school, life, vacation

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