You incompetent fools!

Sep 30, 2008 20:49

I'm annoyed. No, what's that word? I'm displeased.

This week, and the one before it, has been spent mainly doing something that I don't particularily enjoy: scheming, plotting, planning and managing. Well, it's university student organization politics and the like, but it amounts much to the same thing. I should have expected this, really. It seems to be that whenever there's a deadline on something tangentially important, the people initially assigned to it vanish like a raindrop in the Sahara. And for some reason, it turns out I'm the one who has to take care of it.

Honestly, I'm starting to remember why I dislike positions of responsibility and (negligible) authority. While sending other people off to do your bidding has a certain something to it, why bother if your witless peons are witless to the point that ultimately you have to go after them and do it all yourself anyway? I'm nearing the point right now where the good, old-fashioned force-choke is starting to seem like an agreeable solution to my particular brand of organizational concerns.

What's funny is that aside of this, university is going well. "Just as planned", one might say. In fact, everything's working out more or less as I assumed it would. I'm enjoying my classes, whole-heartedly, a few sore notes notwithstanding. Yes, I have a heavy workload, and homework and assignments and whatnot, but I'm coping. Yes, I have a dozen books I'm supposed to read, but I'm getting through them. Since I can remember, I've worked best under pressure, and as I expected (hoped, really) it's put me into that precarious place where I naturally start to manage my time efficiently. So on the side of all of this, I somehow found the time to go play in an orchestra, for once, which is doing my half-forgotten violin skills a lot of good. I also resumed kendo, for once, and let me tell you, beating someone on the head with a stick has never felt so good before.

But time is a thing I don't have in excess right now. And that's why I'm subtly annoyed that everyone is essentially outsourcing their decision-making and planning on me. Yes, I can do it - the question is, why can't you, you maladroit nincompoop? In the meantime, it's costing me what little time I had set out for personal recreation, such as... hmm, let me think... ah! Playing video games! Watching anime! Drawing! Reading for pleasure! Planning the destroy of the world! No wait... scratch that one. Still, try my schedule: yesterday I was on university grounds from eight AM to six PM straight. I find it... amusing that people are under the impression that the time after that is somehow free game for all and sundry.

Mind you, I shouldn't complain too much, as the upside of all this scheming and plotting is to arrange me and thirteen other archaeologists to go for a ten-day tour in Greece later... this month! And on that note - you can't stop me! Mwahaha!

school, life

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