Those of you over in America will probably not have heard of this little twit, but over in Britain we have a 'King of the (White) Witches',
Kevin Carlyon. (I tried to get a link to his actual website, but mysteriously it's down... I blame the technopagans)
He's well-known over here for his media-grabbing attentions, such as his 'lifting of the Macbeth curse' from a Scottish castle, his spell of protection for the Lock Ness Monster when a cryptozoology team were looking for it - it should also be noted that Nessie hasn't been seen since and His Majesty recently did another spell to try to call it to the surface... Personally I think he killed the poor thing... He always wears that ratty red bathrobe, and has the unbridled temerity to say he's 'King' of all of us British pagans.
Really, it's enough to make me turn republican, just to spite him. Or at the very least start describing myself as a Purple Witch (why purple? Well, I like purple!) just so I don't have to have him claiming fealty over me.
Let's be honest; the man's a media whore. He turns up to his rituals/public appearances in a limo, claims he has over 1,000 followers, and is always on hand when the media needs a quote from a 'quirky' pagan. It's the general consensus of the pagan/heathen community that the man does much more harm to us than he could ever do good, and we want him out of the spotlight (actually, I think a lot of us would like to see him eaten by Nessie, but that's just wishful thinking...)
Here's another couple of media tales about His Royal Highness:
He sends a 'psychic profile' to the FBI to help catch the Washington sniper King Kevin curses Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone for being inaccurate (really worked, didn't it?) So it has cheered me to some end to find that someone's created a
petition to 'dethrone' King Kevin. Granted, in the long run it'll probably do very little - but the more people who make it clear to him and everybody else that we want nothing to do with him, the better.