As Seen in a National Newspaper...

Apr 29, 2006 02:32

So, yesterday (still technically today for me since I haven't been to bed yet) has apparently been a momentous day for me. While I was spending most of the day watching Season 6 of Buffy, people were apparently reading a quote from this very livejournal in the Guardian newspaper.

Part of me wonders if I should have been doing something a bit more auspicious and/or intellectual than sprawling on the sofa in the old sweatshirt of Nick's that I've 'appropriated', watching Spike and Buffy angst about their relationship (and also being deeply amused that there is a tracking error indicating repeated pauses and rewinds at exactly the spot in Once More, With Feeling where it's implied that Willow goes down on Tara while she's singing - there are no words to describe you, Nick) on this, the day I apparently become a household name.

Then I realised that if I hadn't been doing that, I'd have been playing online games and watching a crappy Italian rip-off of Alien, which doesn't exactly look much better.

For the non-English among us: the Guardian newspaper is one of our 'broadsheets', which means that they're big and awkward to read on trains or buses because they invariably get in everyone's way if you're holding it rather than leaning it on a table, and allegedly cover more 'serious' issues than the tabloids (like the Mirror and The Sun. The Guardian is the one which is slanted most towards Labour, which it why I don't read it that often (should I be admitting that now?). It's also known rather mockingly as the 'Groiniad', because of the fact that at one point in its history it had some serious problems with types ond typesetting.

I'm currently trying to find out what exactly is going on - I've been trying to subscribe to the Guardian's online edition (it's bloody pay-only) for about three-quarters of an hour now, but to no avail (perhaps ironically, I keep getting an error), so if this doesn't work I may have to go trawling the streets tomorrow looking for a copy of yesterday's paper...

(I think the quote came from this entry, FYI.)

politics/current events

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