Fits and Starts

Feb 19, 2010 15:57

Looks like I'm moving toward monthly installments here. I hope y'all are doing well, and that those of you that are buried under the white stuff are finding your way out again!

Last week was Bi-Annual Sale Time at my work. Twice a year I throw on a heavy canvas apron, snap on a little magnetic name tag, and jump into the retail trenches with my co-workers. It's a hectic time fraught with many dangers and joys (my first injury during my first sale involved a deep cardboard papercut, but I have also had a chance to meet and mingle with our end users - which is mostly a lot of fun). I get a chance to get away from my desk, but I also work crazy hours (50 this time, which is a lot for this nine-to-five carpet walker) and I don't have a chance to do any of my other duties during that time.

It was a lot like this, only with potentially deadly products.

So I'm back! Only... maybe not completely yet. During the Week of the Sale (everyone at work says it all proper nouned like that) I busted through the first seven books of the Sookie Stackhouse books. It's definitely potato chip reading (absolutely no nutritional value, and yet I can't stop binging on them). This week I'm finishing up the last two books. I have a deep love for the television series based on these books (horrible, horrible accents and all) and the books have been a fun diversion - especially last week when I only had enough energy to eat, clean myself, read, and sleep outside of my working hours.

OK, fine. Team Eric, daggumit.

Also as of last Friday I have been glued to Winter Olympic coverage. I am a sucker for the concentrated wonder/dedication/determination/pomposity/cheese of the Games that seems perfectly summed up in the figure skating competitions (especially ice dancing. Whoa nelly.) I love it so hard.

You'll only find more illusion netting on gofugyourself. (PS Weir was totally robbed!)

Hm... and that's just about everything. Work is still mostly good, The Mister is getting more massage work. Huzzah! (You know, I never actually say "huzzah". But Yay, Woohoo, and W00t don't really encompass my level of relief/celebration.) I've been getting involved in some neighborhood development shenanigans. Oh, and I got this for Valentine's Day (it was actually a Christmas/Birthday/Valentine's Day gift):

I love this more than Eric Northman and the Winter Olympics COMBINED.

PS: We're going to see this tomorrow night with another_masque!

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the mister: lmt, teevee, won't you be my neighbor?, at the movies, work, pianorama

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